: Just saw the Indigo Girls in concert at Central Park. So awesome! 🎸

: Nice day at the Coney Island Cyclones! Plus a ride on the actual Cyclone.

: Debugging some Arduino code to make wirelessly controlled light tables work correctly. Wish me luck!

: Making a show with a decent number of days for tech and decent hours on those days is so refreshing.

: Just voted! 🗽

: 🍻 Didn’t snap a photo, but had the following beer from Second District Brewing earlier tonight: …

: Watching Dr. Strangelove last night was a good call.

: Ugh, the iOS-ification is fugly too. 🥴 //@patrickrhone

: .@joshua I’ve taken the liberty to present Apple’s probable response to your …

: Upgrading to Mojave—living on the well-worn and smooth edge!

: Reading how vigorous indoor speaking is one of the most effective ways of transmitting the virus has …

: Listening to the Ezra Klein podcast and he may have just said he wrote his book in Pages! 🤯

: Day 5.1 of Quotations Micro Sprint 💬: Go straight to hell with your rebel yell We are the boys of …

: Day 5 of Quotations Micro Sprint 💬: Just think for a minute about the breathtaking reversal of …

: Day 2 of Quotations Micro Sprint 💬: …ask any imperialist. It’s best to speak softly and carry …

: Billions has some serious sucker punches: I’m glad it works for you. But for us, it’s a deal …

: Day 1 of Quotations Micro Sprint 💬: “o te chingas o te jodes” From La ley de Herodes.

: Watching a show and one character has another take a bite of his pizza. My immediate reaction: “No! …

: A friend just started her first comp sci class. I shared my headlamp repo with her and was amazed …

: Ye gods, I’m especially missing physical touch tonight. 😓

: Breathing through a mask while walking briskly is no fun. Leaves me out of breath. 😣

: It’s “raining” slush. 😪

: Hmmm, I think I’m going to put Groundhog Day on top of the movies queue. 🤔

: What does oil costing –$2.00 even mean? Are buyers really be paid to take it off the sellers’ hands?

: Allergies royally suck right now. I’m blowing my nose and washing my hands every five minutes. 🤧

: The Haggadah Speaks of Four Kinds of People Who Use Zoom Don’t know the providence of this story, but it’s amazing! The Haggadah Speaks of Four Kinds of …

: So excited! 📺🍿

: So, I stepped outside to walk back to my apartment and my allergies immediately went nuts. Super …

: Nothing like a fire alarm to jerk one out of a virtual Meeting for Worship! 🤦‍♂️🚨

: The Naked Gun has us all set for intimacy in the age of social distancing. (Content warning: Link is …

: Kevin Drum keeps talking about the need to means test any checks the government sends out. The …

: Facebook’s current killer feature for me: a friend posting multiple videos of his corgis per day! …

: Given my struggles with self-isolation, it’s hard to avoid isolating too much when the entire world …

: With interests rates as low as they are, I the US federal government should just borrow a few …

: I’m behind on this one, but just finished the sixth episode of Watchmen and woah. That show really …

: I’m really worried about my mother—she’s over 70, living in NYC, and has air travel planned for next …

: Just saw Emma and it was lovely. 🎥

: I posted about a personal dilemma on Facebook this afternoon and got some really good advice. 🤯

: I am perhaps overly proud of my achievement. 😁📸

: One upside of Facebook: looking at friends’ posts has convinced me to canvas for Warren this …

: So what’s the over/under on MacBook keyboard photos today? 😉

: For folks who were interested in the headlamps and tortoise show, there’s now a trailer from the …

: Half way to the shiny, shiny photoblogging pin! 🤞🎖

: Tip: If you go to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, plan to spend the …

: On the Acela. Zoom, zoom. 🚂

: On my way to DC. 🚂

: Another show, another run in with an old friend! :)

: Mmmmmm, seat by fire on a chilly winter day. 🔥🌬🔥

: This is completely fine. Nothing at all to worry about. 🔥🌎🔥

: Because I adore being contrary, I just spent far too long to discover that Sawtooth Mustard Greens …

: Listening to Frederick Douglass’s My Bondage and My Freedom. Amazing, but, oof, there’s only so much …

: Does Penn Station need more than two tunnels? Opinions differ. 📛🚂📛

: House is open for night two! The e. coli had a good warm up!

: A professor who came to tonight’s show is requiring his students to come tomorrow night. 🤓

: Another openin’ of another show! With bacteria and flies!

: This week I’ve been the production manager, company manager, lighting designer, rudimentary sound …

: Just arrived at my AirBnB for the week and three puppers were there to greet me! 🐶🐶🐶

: On my way to Philly to make theater with E. coli & Drosophila melanogaster! 🚂🤓🔬

: For all the folks who were interested, here are some photos from my headlamp & tortoise …

: Drafting, drafting, drafting. weeeeeeee! 🤪🤓

: Hot plans for my birthday—an all night drafting extravaganza! 🥴

: Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. Oh where have you disappeared to? 💤💤💤

: It’za tortoise! For those of you who have been waiting for photos of my mad project. :) …

: Show’s going up tonight! 🐢🐢🐢

: Less than 36 hours ago I was on the Maple Leaf headed upstate. Now about to get on the Adirondack …

: On the rails again… 🎼🚂

: One hundred headlamps in the box; one hundred headlamps for the show. Take one out, tape it around: …

: Last Night: 🚂 to Hudson. This Afternoon:🚂 to NY Penn. This Evening: 🚂 to Hudson. Tomorrow Afternoon: …

: Time to dream of wiring circuit boards. 😴

: Preparing for a soldering party tomorrow! 🤓

: Go Empire Service for arriving early! 🚂

: Coffee, coffee, coffee, what would I do without you? ☕️

: Brain no work. 😑

: Training it down to Philly! 🚂

: Home sweet, nyc. I wonder if I’ll run into Coffee Rat? 🗽☕️🐀

: It is cold up in the Berkshires. 🥶

: Tortoise Update: After a “run-thru”, the headlamps seem to have enough battery life for two …

: It seems I’m getting marginally less bad at soldering. 🤓

: Microblogvember Day 30: It’s infuriating, depressing, scary that we have further to go to …

: I also found the play even more powerful than I did at NYTW. Not sure if it was because I knew what …

: So I went to see Slave Play tonight and, during the talk after, a white woman got up—without being …

: Microblogvember Day 29: “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” may be my favorite Wes Anderson film. 🤔

: Speaking of css, it’s amazing what’s possible. 🤯 //@cn

: Microblogvember Day 28: So what is everyone’s favorite css property? 🙃

: Microblogvember Day 27: I’m thankful (a day early) for the rich community here on Micro.blog. …

: Microblogvember Day 26: Activating the @macgenie signal! Today and tomorrow’s words …

: Microblogvember Day 25: I’m feeling somewhat secure at having caught up and at least not going …

: Microblogvember Day 24: Eek, I’m a couple days behind! Hopefully I’m in good company.

: Learning soldering and C++ over the weekend has fried my brain just a tad. 🧠🍳

: My iPad’s software keyboard is a mess. Wonder if it’s a bug or if it’s a hardware problem. 😬

: The Yout These Days, A Play in One Act. Scene: A Suburban Hardware Store Me: I’m looking for …

: Microblogvember Day 23: So much woe on figuring out how to use woebegone.

: I’m definitely in a snarky mood at the moment.

: Microblogvember Day 22: Hummmnm: the polite version of my response to hearing the part was backed …

: Microblogvember Day 21: My brain feels pretty hollow after long days of emotional and intellectual …

: Microblogvember Day 20: The hare might come in first, but the tortoise enjoys her journey to second …

: Microblogvember Day 19: What does it say that I’m already ready for winter to abate and May to …

: Microblogvember Day 18: If I build a wireless headlamp, I’ll be able to black out the …

: Microblogvember Day 17: Such a superb acorn!

: Microblogvember Day 16: The tiny processor board I’m using to make some wireless headlamps is …

: Microblogvember Day 14: Getting today’s post in the neck of time! 🤪

: Microblogvember Day 13: Would you rather be a cane or an able? 🙃

: Microblogvember Day 12: Anyone else in the mood for a stay- cation?

: Microblogvember Day 11: Backblaze tip for external drives: just touch a file. 🤓

: Microblogvember Day 10: In Spaaaaaaace!

: Microblogvember Day 9: Brrrrrrrr. I do not like the cold.

: Microblogvember Day 8: This otter is a star!

: //@johnphilpin Amatuer. 🤪

: Microblogvember Day 7: This bunny is anything but frightening. //@hollyhoneychurch

: Microblogvember Day 6: I’m perhaps overly proud of my Inktober stick figure drawings. 🤫

: Microblogvember Day 5: Street Road has gotta be a confusing address. 🙃

: Microblogvember Day 4: I’d rather write a modal post than a mean one. 🤓

: Microblogvember Day 2: I forgot to mark the start of the month and now I have lost the key to the …

: The local towns postponed Halloween because of the rain. I never realized that was a possible thing. …

: I’ve been herding so many cats* over the past several days! 🐈🙇🏻‍♂️ * ie theater artists

: If you like space opera and comedy, Schlock Mercenary is the best comic out there. Twenty years, …

: Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

: A sunny day in Washington Square. 🌞🗽

: Took a nice walk today and passed two couples looking for the local gardens. The Americans were …

: Maybe I can distract myself with inktober and trying to sketch some guinea pigs for @macgenie… 🤔

: Tapering down on one of my meds and the feelings/anxiety is not fun at all. 🥴

: World Crisis: How is there not a refrigerator emoji?! 😱

: The train might add 90 minutes to the trip, but it subtracts three hours and ten minutes from the …

: Train travel is so lovely. Especially when Amtrak runs early (!) and I make a tight connection at …

: Just spent of a ton of “productive” time writing an applescript to {sleep my laptop} ⇔ …

: Hey, @simonwoods, how are you feeling? Seemed like you were stressed last night. Light & love. …

: Ye gods, Pages on iOS crashes constantly when using annotations. 😠

: //@manton @danielpunkass I just started last week’s CoreInt; you may have gotten around to this …

: //@hollyhoneychurch Have you ever met a bodega catto? 😸

: I rarely plug apps, but I wanted to say that iMazing is excellent*. Makes full backups of any iOS …

: Shipped a collaborator’s hard drive off to a data rescue service. It’s got a ton of video footage …

: Just started Max Gladstone’s Empress Of Forever. He’s just as amazingly inventive with space opera …

: My niece just texted me that she and her boyfriend are having a great time at the restaurant I …

: I’m too lazy to cook or to drive somewhere for food. Missing NYC & Seamless. 🙃

: For folks running the iOS beta: is the otter emoji coming this fall? 🤞

: I really need to practice score reading, but I really want to take a nap. Should I embrace my …

: Started reading Synthetic: How Life Got Made by Sophia Roosth. Even a few pages in, it’s super …

: The heavens have opened up. Made it inside with bare minutes to spare! ⛈

: Mute again this morning. 😕

: My mom is taking my niece to What the Constitution Means to Me next week. So excited to hear what …

: I can speak again! Woot, Woot!

: Weeeee, went mute in therapy again! Brains are so weird! 🤯

: 👍 to @gruber’s call here. The Valley’s “Move Fast & Break Things” ethos …

: Wow, this is actually happening. A play that dives into American sex/kink/racism is not what I …

: Hmmmm, I love how light my MacBook is. Now that Apple has gotten rid of it, I wonder if I should buy …

: Calgary => Newark: ~5 hours. Newark => Manhattan: ~2 hours. Home, Sweet Home! 🗽

: USA! USA! USA! 🇺🇸⚽️

: Kimchi Cuddles’ Kitty Alignment Matrix! //@hollyhoneychurch 🐈

: Oh Canada. Land of elk trimming your front yard.

: Now any time I see a cat in a Marvel film, my immediate thought is: “I wonder if the kitty is …

: Got a $5 ticket to see Spider-Man. Prices in the Berkshires are slightly different than NYC. 🙃

: For international sports, the networks should just replace every announcer with Leslie Jones. …

: It feels good to be able to unambiguously cheer on an American trolling Europeans. ⚽️ Aaaaand to …

: I rarely plug fundraisers on here, but I love Rachel Lark’s music and if her Patreon gets to …

: Weather Underground seems a little confused about today’s weather in NYC. 🥵🥵🥵

: Sun coming out in NYC! ☀️🗽☀️

: Finally upgrading my laptop to Mojave. From El Cap. You know, to see if they have all the bugs …

: Privacy…I inquired about an Airbnb asking about security cameras, particularly in the bedroom. …

: Well, seems like I can speak again. What a weird day.

: So I've gone mute and it's super weird. So human brains are constantly surprising. I had a massive shift during therapy today and a side …

: @johnphilpin Any thoughts about what’s happening in Venezuela?

: Winer really should stop talking about privilege. How much did a computer cost in 1997? Might having …

: Booked my ticket from Albany to LA. I’ll end up with enough points to get super elite status. 🙃 …

: So am I completely bonkers for considering taking a train to LA for a gig instead of flying out? …

: I’ve been using the Luna dongle and my 12.9” iPad as a second monitor while drafting …

: Drafting Time! And you know what that means: late aughts girl pop! 🎤

: Do you know what I don’t want Gas Station TV? “A new and exciting experience every time I pump.” How …

: Speaking of British politics, @johnphilpin, I particularly enjoyed the juxtaposition of these …

: Après nous*, le déluge * Who would have guessed that Madame de Pompadour predicted May & …

: So is May’s offer to Corbyn actually a strategy to get Labour to emulate the Tories’ …

: Parchment paper: good for baking and for lighting trolly tunnels! 💡🎻

: Tala Manassah​​ speaks Truth: 25 years ago today, an Israeli Jew entered the Tomb of the Patriarchs …

: Which one is not like the other ones? The Visionary Leadership Award honors a leader whose …

: Go MarsEdit! Though the crop is slightly off on my iPhone 8 (lower left corner). /@danielpunkass

: So I just turned down a crazy-fun experimental workshop with Glenn Kotche (Wilco’s drummer), Jon …

: Yay! Got a line on a chicken for Yale. (Brought to you by a journalism fellowship that confused a …

: Next up: Turrell’s Perfectly Clear, 1991.

: Also, there’s something wonderful about an art piece you really can’t photograph. (Hind Sight is a …

: Being a Quaker Lighting Designer, my choice is probably overdetermined. 🙃

: Finally got to see James Turrell’s Hind Sight, 1984 at MassMoCA. Wonderful, but 15 minutes is …

: Did Apple really shut down Facebook’s ability to issue internal builds along with its spyware? If …

: Pelosi has proved her supporters right: she’s a great caucus leader and Speaker.

: Anyone else going to a march today?

: About to head out to the Women’s Unity Rally in Foley Square!

: Rachel Lark is an amazing sex-positive, filthy, badass feminist musician and she’s just …

: I was reminded by @rnv that I haven’t shown my face about for a while. Lots of (good) busy-ness …

: Quote from dinner: “There’s a bottle of super high proof rum in the back of your …

: I need to give Margaret Fell’s “Women’s Speaking Justified, Proved, and …

: Currently reading: bell hooks’s feminism is for everybody. 📚 ps: What’s up with …

: I know everyone knows this, but Hamilton is insanely good. And gorgeous.

: And, while I’ll have to brave Times Square (shudder) this evening; I’ve got a ticket to …

: NYC on the weekend after Thanksgiving is nuts, but stay far enough south and one can find a quiet …

: I’m a day late, but on Thanksgiving I try to honor the worst and best of our country. In …

: Oh, Amtrak. The train from Montréal has broken down and my train is stuck behind it. 🙄

: I’ve seen some news stories warning about Trump shortening Open Enrollment for the ACA. …

: I’ve been listening to a podcast about the Haitian Revolution and I never realized how many …

: Could we send some designers to Florida? They seem to have persistent problems designing ballots: …

: Political Bases and Compromise with @frankm Each party has to pay some attention to their base, …

: The Fight’s Not Over Glory be, we took back the House, but there’s still a long road …

: Sing it, Woody!

: Election Watching Tips for those who won’t be taking several stiff drinks after volunteering …

: If you’re in NYC or will be soon, go see What The Constitution Means to Me! It was just …

: Voting tomorrow? (The only appropriate answers are: “Already have” and “HELL …

: Hey folks from NYC, here’s some info on the confusing ballot questions tomorrow. First is …

: Civilized cities serve brunch until at least 3p on both Saturday and Sunday. How quick one falls …

: Listening to Vox’s The Weeds podcast. The most recent episode is about election security. …

: Also killed today, five Palestinians protesters by the IDF: Ayesh Sha’th, 23, Saeed Abu …

: Oh god. More domestic terrorism. There was a shooting in a Pittsburgh synagogue this morning. 😡😰