Ugh, the iOS-ification is fugly too. 🥴 //@patrickrhone
Ugh, the iOS-ification is fugly too. 🥴 //@patrickrhone
.@joshua I’ve taken the liberty to present Apple’s probable response to your supplication.
Reading how vigorous indoor speaking is one of the most effective ways of transmitting the virus has done a real doozy with my phobia about unintentionally hurting people by speaking. Went mute in therapy today and wondering how intense my brain is going to get on this one. 😬
Day 5.1 of Quotations Micro Sprint 💬:
Go straight to hell with your rebel yell
We are the boys of Maine!
- From Ballad of the 20th Maine, by The Ghost of Paul Revere.
Day 5 of Quotations Micro Sprint 💬:
Just think for a minute about the breathtaking reversal of logic required to make that leap. You don’t fit my predictions, so rather than revise my predictions or expectations based on your behaviors, I will revise you to fit my expectations of how you should behave.
- From Brecht Forensics, Written & Directed by sister sylvester
Day 2 of Quotations Micro Sprint 💬:
…ask any imperialist. It’s best to speak softly and carry a small stick that makes people’s bones explode.
From The Ruin of Angels by Max Gladstone
Billions has some serious sucker punches:
I’m glad it works for you. But for us, it’s a deal breaker.
– Charles Rhoades to Wendy Rhoades, end of S2E6. 💬
Watching a show and one character has another take a bite of his pizza. My immediate reaction: “No! Don’t you realize how unsafe that is!”
A friend just started her first comp sci class. I shared my headlamp repo with her and was amazed that I still understood what I wrote in January! 🤓
What does oil costing –$2.00 even mean? Are buyers really be paid to take it off the sellers’ hands?
Don’t know the providence of this story, but it’s amazing!
The Haggadah Speaks of Four Kinds of People Who Use Zoom:
- The Wise
- The Wicked
- The Simple
- The One Who Does Not Know How to “Mute”The Wise Person says: “I’ll handle the Admin Feature Controls and Chat Rooms, and forward the Cloud Recording Transcript after the call.”
The Wicked Person says: “Since I have unlimited duration, I scheduled the meeting for six hours—as it says in the Haggadah, whoever prolongs the telling of the story, harei zeh ‘shubach, is praiseworthy.”
The Simple Person says: “Hello? Am I on? I can hear you but I can’t see you.” [Jerusalem Talmud reads here: “I can see you, but I can’t hear you.”]
The One Who Does Not Know How to Mute says: “How should I know where you put the keys? I’m stuck on this stupid Zoom call with these idiots.”
To the Wise Person you should offer all of the Zoom Pro Optional Add-On Plans.To the Wicked Person you should say: “Had you been in charge, we would still be in Egypt.”
So excited! 📺🍿
So, I stepped outside to walk back to my apartment and my allergies immediately went nuts. Super itchy eyes. And I couldn’t wipe them or put in my eye drops until I walked back and washed my hands, squinting the entire time, hoping I wouldn’t run into anything. 🤪
The Naked Gun has us all set for intimacy in the age of social distancing.
(Content warning: Link is a slightly racy YouTube video).
Kevin Drum keeps talking about the need to means test any checks the government sends out. The current interest rate on a 1 year Treasury is a whomping 0.3%*. For every million dollars the government borrows, it has to pay back $3,000 more in a year. Is it really that much to pay to simplify things and get checks into people’s hands as fast as possible?
Investors are practically paying the US government to hold their money. We can afford to spend billions upon billions upon billions because it doesn’t actually cost anything to do so!
* The five year rate is a ginormous 0.794%.