//@johnphilpin Amatuer. πŸ€ͺ

Microblogvember Day 7:

This bunny is anything but frightening. //@hollyhoneychurch

Microblogvember Day 6:

I’m perhaps overly proud of my Inktober stick figure drawings. 🀫

Microblogvember Day 5:

Street Road has gotta be a confusing address. πŸ™ƒ

Microblogvember Day 4:

I’d rather write a modal post than a mean one. πŸ€“

Microblogvember Day 2:

I forgot to mark the start of the month and now I have lost the key to the special pin! 😱. //@macgenie

The local towns postponed Halloween because of the rain. I never realized that was a possible thing. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸŽƒ

I feel very fortunate that when I go home for Thanksgiving the couple family Republicans will be ranting about how much they hate and despise Trump. Maybe I should buy them ITMFA pins?

I’ve been herding so many cats* over the past several days! πŸˆπŸ™‡πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

* ie theater artists

If you like space opera and comedy, Schlock Mercenary is the best comic out there. Twenty years, full color strips every day, and Howard hasn’t missed an update. The Kickstarter for the next print book just started. You can add on any or all of the previous 15 too. Go, go, go! πŸ“š

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

A sunny day in Washington Square. πŸŒžπŸ—½

Took a nice walk today and passed two couples looking for the local gardens. The Americans were using GPS and driving an SUV. The Brits were walking up the hill in the rain. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ //@hollyhoneychurch

Maybe I can distract myself with inktober and trying to sketch some guinea pigs for @macgenie… πŸ€”

Tapering down on one of my meds and the feelings/anxiety is not fun at all. πŸ₯΄

World Crisis: How is there not a refrigerator emoji?! 😱

The train might add 90 minutes to the trip, but it subtracts three hours and ten minutes from the drive. πŸš‚>πŸš™

Train travel is so lovely. Especially when Amtrak runs early (!) and I make a tight connection at Penn. πŸš‚

Just spent of a ton of “productive” time writing an applescript to {sleep my laptop} ⇔ {the display is off and my battery is running low}. πŸ€“

I’ll have to find some more productive time writing it up on my blog!

Hey, @simonwoods, how are you feeling? Seemed like you were stressed last night. Light & love. πŸ’‘πŸ’›

Ye gods, Pages on iOS crashes constantly when using annotations. 😠

//@manton @danielpunkass I just started last week’s CoreInt; you may have gotten around to this point, but my immediate reaction to the β€œincompatibility” of payments and the open web is: how else is one going to own one’s content? Hosting costs money; if I’m not the paying customer, the provider is going to care more about whomever is actually paying their bills. Even if I set up a home server, I’d still be paying for electricity, the hardware, and internet service. πŸ€”

I’m super happy to have paid both of you for your excellent products (MarsEdit & M.b hosting). πŸ™‚

//@hollyhoneychurch Have you ever met a bodega catto? 😸

What happens if Beijing cracks down and people keep protesting? The lawyers are out in the streets. If the police/military starts going after them, does Hong Kong fall apart as a financial center?

I rarely plug apps, but I wanted to say that iMazing is excellent*. Makes full backups of any iOS device and gives quite extensive access to everything. Plus, they’ve figured out how to make those backups incremental, saving quite a bit of space (I have a 256GB iPhone and 128GB iPad). After Apple disabled direct ipa backups, they even added a method to download them directly from the App Store**. Which makes restoring so much faster as all my apps don’t have to be re-downloaded a la Apple’s iCloud backups.

The one downside is that a license only covers a single computer (though they do sell 2 and 5 license version for a significant discount).

Highly recommended! πŸ‘

Added at 6:45pm: I almost forget, it can also prevent iTunes and Photos from launching anytime an iOS device is plugged in. Such an annoyance saver!

* Disclosure, I recently added seats to my license and DigiDNA gave me a discount. (In fact, they gave me a larger discount than I was expecting since I had purchased the first two seats at a discount). Also, while they have a Windows version, I have not used it.

** You can only download the most recent version, but iMazing also keeps the previous downloaded versions. It’s a limitation on Apple’s side.