Given my struggles with self-isolation, it’s hard to avoid isolating too much when the entire world is telling us to isolate. 😕
Given my struggles with self-isolation, it’s hard to avoid isolating too much when the entire world is telling us to isolate. 😕
With interests rates as low as they are, I the US federal government should just borrow a few hundred billion and send everyone a check. Working class people in service industries are going to be hit especially hard and that would be the fastest way to get cash in their hands.
I’m behind on this one, but just finished the sixth episode of Watchmen and woah. That show really puts one through the emotional ringer. 🤯
I’m really worried about my mother—she’s over 70, living in NYC, and has air travel planned for next week.
One upside of Facebook: looking at friends’ posts has convinced me to canvas for Warren this weekend. 🤓
For folks who were interested in the headlamps and tortoise show, there’s now a trailer from the January performance on the company’s website. 💛🐢💡 //@macgenie
Tip: If you go to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, plan to spend the entire day. I reserved a 12:30p entrance and only made it through two of the three history floors by the time the museum closed at 5:30p.
This is completely fine. Nothing at all to worry about. 🔥🌎🔥
Because I adore being contrary, I just spent far too long to discover that Sawtooth Mustard Greens exist! 🤓 //@macgenie (I’m guessing mustard greens are either not good for or not favored by the piglets, but I still declare victory! 🤪)
Listening to Frederick Douglass’s My Bondage and My Freedom. Amazing, but, oof, there’s only so much of it my soul can handle at once.
Does Penn Station need more than two tunnels? Opinions differ. 📛🚂📛