* Who would have guessed that Madame de Pompadour predicted May & Corbyn’s negotiations?
So is May’s offer to Corbyn actually a strategy to get Labour to emulate the Tories’ disintegration as a functional party?
Tala Manassah speaks Truth:
25 years ago today, an Israeli Jew entered the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and murdered 29 praying Palestinians. Today, the Kahanist terrorist movement he was a part of— formally the “Jewish Power” party— a bunch of fascist pigs, are joining the Israeli government at the invitation of the PM. Tell me, liberal Zionist friends, so called peaceniks, people who believe in the fantasy of a state that is both Jewish and democratic: what should we Palestinians do in the face of all this? What is the appropriate reaction of those whose slow annihilation is ongoing and whose total extermination is imminent?
Which one is not like the other ones?
The Visionary Leadership Award honors a leader whose trailblazing work is impacting the world.
This year’s theme, Consciousness Rising was chosen to emphasize the importance of upholding intersectionality in our continued pursuits for inclusion, equity and justice.
Bari Weiss
The podcast has been featured in Oprah Magazine, Wired, Mother Jones, NPR, Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan, Elle, and Forbes.
Sammy Davis, Jr.: I’ve Gotta Be Me is the first major film documentary to examine Davis’ vast talent and his journey for identity through the shifting tides of civil rights and racial progress during 20th-century America.
Experience First, Picture Second
Narrated by Liam Neeson and with musical score by Bill Whelan, the film includes interviews with President Bill Clinton, President Jimmy Carter, US Senators and Congressmen, as well as Irish leaders and British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and John Major.
Their first work was about a person who was part cardboard box….Housekeepers become their tools of labour with arms replaced by leather brushes. Humans, jellyfish and bacteria unite in a single organism on a petridish stage.
contributing editor, the london review of books
cnn political analyst, co-chair of the times up legal defense fund
In this talk, Louisa Lim examines the ways in which the legacy of Tiananmen has been excised from the collective and institutional memory in today’s China, as well as looking at the cost of memory and the role that foreign correspondents play in shaping memories of June Fourth outside China.
Come see Yalies get confused by a chicken on March 29th!
Go MarsEdit! Though the crop is slightly off on my iPhone 8 (lower left corner). /@danielpunkass
So I just turned down a crazy-fun experimental workshop with Glenn Kotche (Wilco’s drummer), Jon Hamm, and Danielle Agami (an amazing choreographer). Why do all the shows have to happen at the same time?
Yay! Got a line on a chicken for Yale.
(Brought to you by a journalism fellowship that confused a performance with a chicken and paintball for Ross Douthat)
Also, there’s something wonderful about an art piece you really can’t photograph. (Hind Sight is a dark room with maybe a single fixture of maybe 5 lumens).
Finally got to see James Turrell’s Hind Sight, 1984 at MassMoCA. Wonderful, but 15 minutes is not enough. So I’ve booked all eight slots between noon and 1p on Monday. 😁 🙈
Did Apple really shut down Facebook’s ability to issue internal builds along with its spyware? If so, anyone think that’s a big enough bloody nose?
Rachel Lark is an amazing sex-positive, filthy, badass feminist musician and she’s just started up a Patreon. Give a listen to her music and, if you like it, sign up to support her. It would be awesome if she gets more time to make art!
I was reminded by @rnv that I haven’t shown my face about for a while. Lots of (good) busy-ness around the holidays. Wishing everyone a happy new year! 🎉🎉🎉